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I have been wanting to talk about this subject since long ago, Psychology of the space!
Sound crazy but I have been studying this topic for many years, generating my own conclusions and proving in each project the importance of nice spaces and how they affect their members.
We have by rule number 1; to help others. And the best way to do that is to help transform their lives with what I know and what I’m passionate about. What do I mean? Through interior design, architecture, and landscaping.
It is important that you take care of your environment, that you create spaces that generate warmth and well-being for your family. That through intervening your rooms with lighting, spatiality, colors, and textures create, safe - positive spaces with flowing energies that ensure your well-being.
By modifying your spaces and creating successful environments for each intention you can achieve productive and energetic work environments or quiet and peaceful main rooms that help you to a good day's rest and that may lead you to improve your health. You can also achieve kitchens that invite interaction and social activities successfully or family room life that are safe and active for your children.
Your space must follow your intention. We all look at nice interiors in a magazine, but have you thought if it will fit your family-style? I mean, your space must be yours, fitting your family and adding value to your life, through your perception of those spaces, not the way around.
Stay tuned for more detail on this topic!
I'll be talking about the colors for each room, and how to use them. And for those related to energy and flow chi, I will be talking about Feng Shui soon!
See you next time!